I'm trying to do Monday movies at my local cinema because it's half the price, and I freelance so I have the flexibility for this! Another thing I want to do this winter is go camping! My favourite campsites are too packed during summer so winter is a great time to go, provided it's a relatively clear day. The best part is getting to make camp fires, which are usually not allowed in summer because of wildfire threats.

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Jun 17Liked by LF

We both have "make ice cream" on our lists! Maybe I'll try the recipe you shared. This is such a solid and doable list. I've got one LDR album on vinyl, perhaps we give her a spin later this week.

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Love the idea of shared album w friends instead of instagram!! Might do this w high school friend group :)

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Silver state falls is the best - you don’t have to be hard core to enjoy it!!

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I love this list! I am going to think of mine and make my own post! ;)

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PS with credit to you OF COURSE

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Jun 17Author

I can’t wait to read!

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